Alanna Hartzok, a long-time support of Basic Income, received 37% of the vote in the Congressional election for 9th Congressional District in Pennsylvania. She received the Democratic Party nomination for Congress earlier this year, and finished second in voting to the Republican incumbent, Bill Shuster.
Hartzok is Founder and Co-Director, Earth Rights Institute and author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone. She is a researcher, an activist, a prominent supporter of land value taxation. She has been a regular contributor to the North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress for the last decade, and she has written about basic income, usually using the term “Citizens Dividend,” which is a basic income financed by resource and rent taxes.
Hartzok’s campaign website lists 14 fundamental policies and guidelines to help us establish economic democracy, including, “7. Establish a PA Sovereign Wealth Fund similar to the Alaska Permanent Fund and like in Alaska distribute “citizen dividends” to directly share natural resource super profits from our commonwealth of natural resources.”
For more information about Hartzok and her campaign see:
David Wenner. “Alanna Hartzok, Bill Shuster: Results are in from 9th Congressional District in Franklin County.” PennLive, November 04, 2014.
Alanna Hartzok. “Citizen Dividends and Oil Resource Rents: A Focus on Alaska, Norway and Nigeria.” Wealth and Want, February 2004.
See also her campaign website.