The masters seminar “Ethics of Universal Basic Income” took place over six weeks in January and February 2022 at the University of Freiburg. These videos of the seminar are posted on my YouTube Channel both as a playlist and individually:
- Video 1: Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy, followed by class discussion about its implications for UBI (January 14, 2022)
- Video 2: Widerquist presents Van Parij’s “Real Libertarian” cased for UBI, followed by class discussion(January 14, 2022)
- Video 3: The Ethics of UBI video 3: The Prehistory of Private Property, with class discussion of each part: Part 1: the inequality hypothesis, Part 2: the market freedom hypothesis, Part 3: the natural property hypothesis (January 21, 2022)
- Video 4: Introduction to Justice as the Pursuit of Accord (JPA)
- Video 5: Freedom as the Power to Say No: the JPA theory of freedom: a theory of status freedom and an argument for UBI
- Video 6: Guy Standing, “A Commons-Based Argument for Basic Income,” 4pm
- Video 7: Alex Gourevitch, “the Basic Income Illusion,” 5pm
- Video 8: JPA property theory: a theory of property rights and an argument for UBI
- Video 9: Philippe Van Parijs’s “Real Libertarian” argument for UBI
- Video 10: Louise Haagh, “Developmental Freedom and Social Order”
- Video 11: Otto Letho, “Libertarian Perspectives on Basic Income”
- Video 12: Non-domination and Basic Income
- Video 13: Will Basic Income do justice to women?
- Video 14: Anca Gheaus, “Basic Income, Gender Justice and the Costs of Gender-Symmetrical Lifestyles”