
Links to Audio-Video

  1. Henry George’s contribution to economic thought: Karl Widerquist’s seminar discussion. On Karl Widerquist’s Research Channel on YouTube, Recorded Jan. 14, 2025, posted Feb. 23, 2025
  2. Widerquist: Republicans Smell Victory (video interview). Interview by Joumanna Berchteche, Bloomberg Daybreak: Horizons Middle East and Africa, Bloomberg TV: Middle East and Africa, July 18th, 2024.
  3. FOX LiveNOW – Karl Widerquist (video interview), By Fox News TV, July 21, 2024
  4. Kamala Harris has supported affordable housing in the past. This refloated policy might benefit renters (video interview). By Ana Teresa Solá, CNBC, July 25 2024
  5. Building the middle class may be a ‘defining goal’ under a Harris presidency — how that may shape a key tax credit (video interiew). By Jessica Dickler, CNBC, July 26, 2024.
  6. The New Abnormal [podcast] (audio interview). By Danielle Moodie and Andy Levy, iHeart Radio, June 25, 2024 (Widerquist interview begins at 35:43).
  7. Left Libertarianism, Basic Income, and Property(?) with Karl Widerquist [Imagine More Episode #36]. Interview by Seth Kafila and Jesse Philippe, Imagine More (podcast and YouTube channel), available on YouTube, Spotify, and other venues, May 8, 2024
  8. Understanding Universal Basic Income Karl Widerquist. By Ching Juhl, Juhl Media [YouTube Channel], October 23, 2024
  9. Book Launch: Universal Basic Income: Essential Knowledge. Panel Discussion with Ian Almond, Anjana Jacob, Gabor Scheiring, and Karl Widerquist. Moderated by Danyel Reiche. Posted by Georgetown University-Qatar and by YouTube, 1 October 2024
  10. Left Libertarianism, Basic Income, and Property(?) with Karl Widerquist [Imagine More Episode #36]. Interview by Seth Kafila and Jesse Philippe, Imagine More (podcast and YouTube channel), available on YouTube, Spotify, and other venues, May 8, 2024
  11. Smart Talk: UBI – What It Is and Why We Need It (video). Interview of Karl Widerquist by Edward Dodson. Henry George School of Social Science, June 3, 2024.
  12. Dr. Karl Widerquist says we need Universal Basic Income now. By Dr. Al Scott, the Rational View (podcast), Episode 189. March 23, 2024. Available on Spotify, PodBean, and Apple Podcasts.
  13. An interview with Karl Widerquist, “Universal Basic Income.” By Stephen Pimpare, the New Books in Public Policy Podcast, posted March 22, 2024. Available on most podcast-streaming platforms including Spotify.
  14. The Debate Over the definition of Basic Income,” presented by Karl Widerquist, hosted by Toru Yamamori for BIEN’s Working Group on the Clarification of the Definition of Basic Income. Annie Miller, Michael Howard, Pierre Madden, and others participate in the discussion. Recorded 8pm 13 March 2024 (Central time – USA).
  15. Give People Money: Universal Basic Income, [interview with] Karl Widerquist. By Jason Chen. Inside the Mind of a Philosopher Episode 21, Feb. 25, 2024
  16. ITSA Live! Ep. 20 – Basic Income Theory with Karl Widerquist [Audio Interview]. Hosted by Scott Santens, Conrad Shaw, and Josh Worth. Comingle YouTube Channel. Audio recorded February 21, 2024, posted March 10, 2024
  17. What’s Required to Make UBI a Reality? A Video Interview of Karl Widerquist by Zachary Weaver and Sathvik Vasam, UBI Builders, Peer-to-Peer Unconditional Income YouTube Channel, recorded October 24, posted November 11, 2023.
  18. BOOK LAUNCH: The Problem of Property Taking the Freedom of Nonowners Seriously By Karl Widerquist.Georgetown University Qatar Youtube Channel, recorded October 3, 2023 at Georgetown University-Qatar, posted October 22, 2023.
  19. Ethics of UBI, video 14: Anca Gheaus, “Basic Income, Gender Justice and the Costs of Gender-Symmetrical Lifestyles.” By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 5, 2022.
  20. Ethics of UBI, video 13: Will Basic Income do justice to women? By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 12, 2022.
  21. Ethics of UBI, video 12: Non-domination and Basic Income. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 12, 2022.
  22. Ethics of UBI, video 11: Otto Letho, “Libertarian Perspectives on Basic Income.” By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 12, 2022.
  23. Ethics of UBI, video 10: Louise Haagh, “Developmental Freedom and Social Order.” By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 12, 2022.
  24. Ethics of UBI, video 9: Philippe Van Parijs’s “Real Libertarian” argument for UBI. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 5, 2022.
  25. The Ethics of UBI video 8 Approximating a Property Rights Accord. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 5, 2022.
  26. Ethics of UBI, video 7: Alex Gourevitch, “the Basic Income Illusion.” By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 3, 2022.
  27. Ethics of UBI, video 6: Guy Standing, “A Commons-Based Argument for Basic Income”. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted February 3, 2022.
  28. Ethics of UBI video 5: “Freedom as the Power to Say No” the JPA theory of freedom. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted January 29, 2022.
  29. Ethics of UBI video 4: Introduction to Justice as the Pursuit of Accord. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted January 29, 2022.
  30. Ethics of UBI, video 3: The Prehistory of Private Property. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, posted January 22, 2022.
  31. Low-Income People in the United States Are Working Too Much. Interview of Karl Widerquist by Sathvik Vasam and Zachary Weaver. UBI Builders: Peer-to-Peer Unconditional Income YouTube Channel, recorded Summer 2023, posted Sep 25, 2023
  32. Dr. Widerquist on UBI (Audio Interview). By Johnathan Findlay (Interview). World Economic Federation Interviews Episode 1, World Economic Federation YouTube Channel, May 2, 2023
  33. Should we have a voluntary or a mandatory participation economy? By Karl Widerquist in Work, Participation and UBI (with Alina Plitman, Milena Kowalska, and James Mulvale). Chaired by Greg Marston. Recorded at the Basic Income Earth Network Congress, September 28, 2022, posted November 16, 2022
  34. Functional finance economics and UBI. By Karl Widerquist, in Financing and Implementing Basic Income (with Scott Santens, Tory Henderson, and Joe Collins). Hosted by Greg Marston. Recorded at the Basic Income Earth Network Congress, September 28, 2022, posted November 15, 2022
  35. Canadians with Disabilities & their Allies – Karl Widerquist. Interview by Patricia Scrafield. Neil Matheson YouTube Channel, October 24, 2022
  36. On the ethics of UBI: Enno Schmidt talking to Karl Widerquist (video interview). By Enno Schmidt. Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies, YouTube Channel, Sep 28, 2022
  37. Karl Widerquist on UBI, voting and Trust.” By the FRIBIS UBI Workshop, Tom Pogson YouTube Channel, June 23, 2022
  38. Ethics of UBI, video 2: Van Parijs’s “Real Libertarian” Case for UBI. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist’s Research (YouTube Channel), Recorded 14 January 2022, posted 15 January 2022
  39. Karl Widerquist, “Ethics of UBI, video 1: Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy. By Karl Widerquist, Karl Widerquist’s Research (YouTube Channel), Recorded 14 January 2022, posted 15 January 2022
  40. International Workshop on Basic Income Manifestos for Presidential Election 2022 in Korea. Hosted by Sarath Davala, BIEN and BIKN, broadcast live January 11th 2022, recording posted January 13, 2022​
  41. UBI and the Dignity of Work. By Techopian Team, Techopian, August 3, 2021
  42. Universal Basic Income and Property Rights. Interview of Karl Widerquist by Sam Barton. Talk of Today Podcast. YouTube, Aug 6, 2021
  43. The Prehistory of Private Property (video 49:00). By Karl Widerquist, Session 8: Why Private Property? II Conference, Centre de théorie politique, June 25, 2021
  44. The Prehistory Of Private Property with Karl Widerquist. Interview by Austin Mackell, Fair Go – Australian Basic Income Discussion Group, April 7, 2021
  45. Karl Widerquist and Jean-Fabien Spitz discuss the history and justification of Universal Basic Income. Futurs de la Protection Sociale YouTube Channel, recorded, May 2018, post March 31, 2021
  46. Karl Widerquist and Alexander de Roo discuss Universal Basic Income. Hosted by Ali Mutlu Köylüoğlu, Zoombalaki YouTube Channel, April 20, 2021
  47. Basic Income Pilots and Demonstrations: What Have We Learned? (NABIG 2019 Congress). Panel discussion hosted by Karl Widerquist, USBIG—Official YouTube Channel, posted Apr 1, 2021
  48. Boston Basic Income #122: Moral Framing (video). By Alex Howlett, Boston Basic Income, Oct 7, 2020
  49. UBI is the farthest thing from something for nothing. Karl Widerquist speaks at the 2020 Basic Income March in New Orleans, Humanity First Movement Louisiana YouTube Channel, recorded September 19, 2020, posted September 20, 2020
  50. Boston Basic Income #116: Power to Say No (video). Panel discussion hosted by Alex Howlett, Boston Basic IncomeYouTube, Aug. 26, 2020
  51. United States and Basic Income & Covid (video). Louise Haagh, Sarath Davala, and Jamie Cooke (hosts) in conversation with Karl Widerquist and Scott Santens, BIEN Conversations, June 5, 2020
  52. Video: Beyond Return – On the transformational potential of UBI, By Andra Bria (host) with panelists Karl Widerquist, Astha Kapoor, and Eric Wycoff Rogers, Beyond Return, YouTube, June 27, 2020
  53. Conversation with Karl Widerquist (video). By Larry Liu. Mr. Liu’s Opinion, June 24, 2020
  54. United States and Basic Income & Covid (video). Louise Haagh, Sarath Davala, and Jamie Cooke (hosts) in conversation with Karl Widerquist and Scott Santens, BIEN Conversations, June 5, 2020 
  55. Karl Widerquist asks, “Who Should Own Property?” followed by the Basic Income Panel discussion with Caterine Lindman and Jessie Golem. Video by Climate Healers, September 20, 2020
  56. Universal Basic Income Debate (video). Hosted by Jon Munitz, The Hill of Roses Podcast, May 27, 2020
  57. A Conversation with Income Movement Leaders. Hosted by Ching Juhl, with panelists: Michael Lewis, Diane Pagen, and Karl Widerquist. Streamed live on Sep 15, 2020
  58. Supporting People, the Environment, UBI (video interview). By Blair Walsingham (host) and Karl Widerquist (interviewee), Its Your Vote (Episode 6), Blair For CongressYouTube, August 21, 2020
  59. Universal Basic Income and the Coronavirus Crisis (video interview of Karl Widerquist). By Fabian Wendt, April 17th, 2020 (also available on YouTube as “PPE in a Time of Pandemic”)
  60. Widerquist and Mathew Schmid (video). An interview for UBI Discussions: N2K Kneed to Know by Tree Media, Conversations on Basic Income, posted October 2020
  61. Eduardo Suplicy Interviews Karl Widerquist, Recorded at the BIEN Congress In Hyderabad, India, 2019, Rede Brasileira de Renda Básica YouTube Channel, posted January 10, 2020
  62. Secular and Religious Perspectives on Basic Income. Panel discussion with Stuart White (Chair), Malcolm Torry, Hasanain Jaffar, Louise Haagh, Robert Van der Veen, Karl Widerquist, and Faizun Mustafa. INBI Foundation YouTube Channel, December 16, 2019
  63. Basic Income, the Commons, and Sovereign Wealth Funds. Panel discussion with Guy Standing (Chair), Rahul Basu, Nam Hoon Kang, Karl Widerquist, Hilde Latour, and Joe Geldhof. INBI Foundation YouTube Channel, December 15, 2019
  64. People of Basic Income (video report on the Basic Income March, Oct. 26, 2019). By Derek Van Gorder, YouTube, December 9, 2019
  65. Karl Widerquist: The Basic Income Episode (audio). Interview by Oshan Jarow, the Musing Mind Podcast, November 11, 2019
  66. Elms College Humanities Lecture: “Freedom, Basic Income, and the Abolition of Poverty”. By Karl Widerquist, ElmsCollegeVideo, YouTube, posted November 18, 2019 (recorded October 28, 2019
  67. UBI March – NYC – October 26, 2019 (video). By Juhl Media. Posted October 28, 2019.
  68. Pilot Projects – UBI Nordic 2019 Conference 6 april 2019. Panel Discussion with Sarath Davala, Jenna Van Draanen, Minna Ylikännö, Joy Ponader, Annie Miller. Hosted by Karl Widerquist, BIEN Norge YouTube Channel, April 7, 2019
  69. The Power to Say No and American Social Policy (video), lecture with questions and answers by Karl Widerquist, delivered at Florida State University’s College of Social Work conference, “Poverty in America: Critical Perspectives on Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions,” March 1, 2019
  70. The Dan Schneider Video Interview #259: Universal Basic Income: Karl Widerquist, by Dan Schneider, Cosmoetica, Feb 20, 2019
  71. Finland’s basic income experiment finds cash boosted well-being but not employment [YouTube link], Kate Snow, NBC Nightly News (February 10, 2019)
  72. NBC News link: Finland’s basic income experiment finds cash boosted well-being but not employment
  73. Karl Widerquist addresses the NOLA YangGang (three-part video), Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, recorded November 15, 2019, posted October 2029 in three parts:
  74. Chad Hartman Interviews Karl Widerquist on Universal Basic Income Link 1 (audio), and Duplicate audio Link 2 by Chad Hartman on WCCO-AM (reproduced on YouTube), Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel, March 8, 2018
  75. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist about wealth inequality, Karl Widerquist’s YouTube Channel,, January 26, 2018.
  76. The Political Economy of Basic Income Trials. Basic income Iceland 2017 – Day 2 at 2:03:56. BIEN Island [BIEN Iceland] YouTube Channel, September 1, 2017
  77. 16th Annual U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Congress Opening Session. Panel discussion with Karl Widerquist, Andy Stern, Diane Pagen, and Michael A. Lewis. Moderated by Natalie Foster, Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College YouTube Channel, July 10, 2017
  78. Interview with Karl Widerquist, Co-CEO of Basic Income Earth Network [기본소득지구네트워크 공동대표, 칼 와이더키스트(Karl Widerquist) 인터뷰]. 기본소득청’소’년네트워크 / Basic Income Youth Network YouTube Channel, July 2, 2017
  79. Universal Basic Income Interview by Keith Brown, We Are Here [Podcast] #006, April 28, 2017
  80. Karl Widerquist Georgetown Professor on Basic Income (video Interview), by Matt Orfalea, Matt Orfalea YouTube Channel, January 21, 2017
  81. ADI Policy Forum – Part Two of Five – The Future of Work and Basic Income Options for Australia, talk by Karl Widerquist, Alfred Deakin Institute YouTube Channel, September 10, 2017.
  82. Karl Widerquist PhD, video interview. By Armando F Sanchez, YouTube, August 10, 2016
  83. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist, previewing Trump-era U.S. politics, (part 2), by Al Jazeera (reproduced on Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel), November 10, 2016.
  84. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist previews Trump-era politics, by Al-Jazeera (reproduced on Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel), November 10, 2016.
  85. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist on election day: 3rd of 3 appearances, by Al Jazeera, Karl Widerquist’s YouTube Channel, November 8, 2016.
  86. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist on election day: 2nd of 3 appearances, by Al Jazeera, Karl Widerquist’s YouTube Channel, November 8, 2016.
  87. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist on election day: first appearance, by Al Jazeera, Karl Widerquist’s YouTube Channel, November 8, 2016.
  88. Al Jazeera Interviews Karl Widerquist on the U.S. Election 05 Nov 2016, by Al Jazeera, Karl Widerquist’s YouTube Channel, November 6, 2016.
  89. Al Jazeera interviews Karl Widerquist on the reopening of Clinton email Investigation, by Al Jazeera (reproduced on Karl Widerquist YouTube Channel), October 31, 2016.
  90. NABIG Conference – Tribute to Al Sheahan. By Karl Widerquist, Basic Income Canada Network YouTube Channel, July 15, 2014
  91. Unconditional Basic Income and Freedom / Grundeinkommen und Freiheit (BIEN2012). By Robert Ulmer, Karl Widerquist, and Karl Reitter, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen YouTube Channel, recorded 2012, post January 20, 2013
  92. Status Freedom. PowerPoint presentation by Karl Widerquist. Set to music by Robin Ketelaars. Robin Ketelaars YouTube Channel, September 21, 2012
  93. Karl Widerquist on the Alaska Permanent Fund. By Joerg Drescher (host), Basic Income Earth Network YouTube Channel, Dec 14, 2011
  94. Four-part video interview by Joerg Drescher (host), Basic Income Earth Network YouTube Channel, December 16, 2011

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